

I have always been interested in philosophy and in religion. I grew up in a rather devout Catholic family and was quite serious about it in my high school years. That included being an alter boy, going to a Catholic leadership training program one summer, and leading the rosary during my lunch hour at church some days.

Then came college and studying other religions and I found that they all had some good aspects and some bad aspects and it opened up my mind. I ended up receiving a minor in Philosophy that accompanied my BS in Computer Science.Where Computer Science has been a profession, philosophy has been a hobby through most of my life.

For most of my adult years, I haven't considered myself a writer. That was partly due to a bias my parents had that made them think of my writing skills poorly and partly just a concentration on a blooming career in software (that included two two-year stints overseas, Japan and Australia, and 15 years at the VP/CTO level helping to start seven companies).

But I'm a renaissance man if nothing else - a man I hardly knew said that about me a half-dozen years ago after hearing about my diverse interests and I considered it one of the best compliments I've ever received. And so, I got bored enough with just computer science that I went out and completed an MS in Space Studies in addition to the MBA in technical management that I had already received. And now, in order to professionally publish my first book, I went out and earned a masters in creative writing.

All of this experience and an ever increasing ability to write finally made me want to put what I have seen and done on paper (well pixels at least). At first I used my new-found desire for family-related works like a genealogy book for my kids; a book of reflections I call Reflections in the Dark, also for my kids; and a set of letters that I write each year about what has happened to/in the family.

Then it became more serious with an effort to publish significant books and to eventually migrate my career from software engineer to writer, as I retire.

I currently have three books published. A non-fiction book on parenting without religion called Humanism for Parents, a historical fiction novel, Propositum, about the founding of Christianity but with the starting premise that there was no Jesus, and a science fiction novel, Over, about the societal split and ensuing strife when humans develop immortality.

For more information on Sean, see